Возникла у меня тут наивная идея - написать письмо прямо в Японию, во FHI, и изложить в доступной форме все наши трудности, проблемы и пожелания, касающиеся Subaru Forester.
Но товарищи из FHI не приемлют электронную переписку, на сайте
fhi.co.jp не нашел E-mail адресов.
Как известно, Sojitz Corporation является торговым домом Subaru во всем мире, но на их странице тоже нет никаких адресов E-mail.
Единственное, что мне удалось найти - это представительство на Филипинах - http://www.ph.sojitz.com/cgcd/index.html:
Contact Information
Mr. Taizo Abe- Director
Tel. (632) 892-3076 to 80 local 260
Email: abe.taizo-2@sea.sojitz.com
Ms. Fe R. Eliscupides (Chemicals)
Tel. (632) 892-3076 to 80 local 264
Email: eliscupides.fe@sea.sojitz.com
Mr. Marvin Borero (Food and General Commodities)
Tel. (632) 892-3076 to 80 local 271
Email: borero.marvin@sea.sojitz.com
Mr. Norberto Go, Jr. (Chemicals)
Tel. (632) 892-3076 to 80 local 282
Email: go.norberto@sea.sojitz.com
Mr. Reiner Pellestone-Martinez (Food and General Commodities)
Tel. (632) 892-3076 to 80 local 273
Email: martinez.reiner@sea.sojitz.com
Mr. Archieval Manuel (Chemicals)
Tel. (632) 892-3076 to 80 local 216
Email: manuel.archieval@sea.sojitz.com
Ms. Anna Aquino
Tel. (632) 892-3076 to 80 local 265
Email: aquino.anna@sea.sojitz.com
Department Fax No. (632) 818-7517
Письмо может быть следующего содержания:
Dear employees of company Sojitz Corporation. Users of production which you sell, disturb you. In particular, we drivers of cars Subaru Forester. In advance we are sorry for anxiety if there are more competent people - we ask to send this letter to them or if you will not complicate - inform us please the address where it is possible to write in occasion of cars Subaru.
We are very glad to drive cars Subaru Forester, it is very good car. But there are wishes which were to be stated concerning new models: 1. In a ruler there will be a diesel engine. 2. The automatic device becomes five-step (as now on Outback), more adapted and there will be no delay at kick-down. 3. The radio tape recorder begins to support mp3, as now on Outback. 4. To eliminate some fine defects, as that with palpation of a rudder, back reducers, etc.
Мой язык не очень хорош, может у кого-нибудь это получится лучше?
Но товарищи из FHI не приемлют электронную переписку, на сайте
fhi.co.jp не нашел E-mail адресов.
Как известно, Sojitz Corporation является торговым домом Subaru во всем мире, но на их странице тоже нет никаких адресов E-mail.
Единственное, что мне удалось найти - это представительство на Филипинах - http://www.ph.sojitz.com/cgcd/index.html:
Contact Information
Mr. Taizo Abe- Director
Tel. (632) 892-3076 to 80 local 260
Email: abe.taizo-2@sea.sojitz.com
Ms. Fe R. Eliscupides (Chemicals)
Tel. (632) 892-3076 to 80 local 264
Email: eliscupides.fe@sea.sojitz.com
Mr. Marvin Borero (Food and General Commodities)
Tel. (632) 892-3076 to 80 local 271
Email: borero.marvin@sea.sojitz.com
Mr. Norberto Go, Jr. (Chemicals)
Tel. (632) 892-3076 to 80 local 282
Email: go.norberto@sea.sojitz.com
Mr. Reiner Pellestone-Martinez (Food and General Commodities)
Tel. (632) 892-3076 to 80 local 273
Email: martinez.reiner@sea.sojitz.com
Mr. Archieval Manuel (Chemicals)
Tel. (632) 892-3076 to 80 local 216
Email: manuel.archieval@sea.sojitz.com
Ms. Anna Aquino
Tel. (632) 892-3076 to 80 local 265
Email: aquino.anna@sea.sojitz.com
Department Fax No. (632) 818-7517
Письмо может быть следующего содержания:
Dear employees of company Sojitz Corporation. Users of production which you sell, disturb you. In particular, we drivers of cars Subaru Forester. In advance we are sorry for anxiety if there are more competent people - we ask to send this letter to them or if you will not complicate - inform us please the address where it is possible to write in occasion of cars Subaru.
We are very glad to drive cars Subaru Forester, it is very good car. But there are wishes which were to be stated concerning new models: 1. In a ruler there will be a diesel engine. 2. The automatic device becomes five-step (as now on Outback), more adapted and there will be no delay at kick-down. 3. The radio tape recorder begins to support mp3, as now on Outback. 4. To eliminate some fine defects, as that with palpation of a rudder, back reducers, etc.
Мой язык не очень хорош, может у кого-нибудь это получится лучше?