stolis, nice diagram
S stolis На тропе 23 Сен 2010 83 36 0 Greece 20 Окт 2013 #202 Thanks. It would be better, but he didn't press the throttle from very low.
S stolis На тропе 23 Сен 2010 83 36 0 Greece 17 Мар 2014 #203 Hello mates. A new video with my forester. Реакции: Lamantin и LUK
L LUK Совет Клуба 11 Дек 2008 11,905 4,408 113 49 17 Мар 2014 #204 Hi! Glad to see you after a little absence) I feel a bit jealous, watching you have snow there)) we already haven't any
Hi! Glad to see you after a little absence) I feel a bit jealous, watching you have snow there)) we already haven't any
S stolis На тропе 23 Сен 2010 83 36 0 Greece 17 Мар 2014 #205 I didn't drive in snow with my forester this winter. No snow....
L LUK Совет Клуба 11 Дек 2008 11,905 4,408 113 49 17 Мар 2014 #206 stolis написал(а): No snow... Нажмите для раскрытия... The same problem. I hoped you would be more lucky)))
stolis написал(а): No snow... Нажмите для раскрытия... The same problem. I hoped you would be more lucky)))
L Lamantin Лесник 23 Июн 2008 1,172 145 63 46 Default-city 17 Мар 2014 #207 Beautiful road, fast driving. Thanx a lot! Добавлено через 1 минуту 11 секунд stolis написал(а): No snow.... Нажмите для раскрытия... Maybe, next year?
Beautiful road, fast driving. Thanx a lot! Добавлено через 1 минуту 11 секунд stolis написал(а): No snow.... Нажмите для раскрытия... Maybe, next year?
L LUK Совет Клуба 11 Дек 2008 11,905 4,408 113 49 17 Мар 2014 #208 Lamantin написал(а): Maybe, next year? Нажмите для раскрытия... Why not. If the reason is not that the sound of the exhaust scared all the snow...)
Lamantin написал(а): Maybe, next year? Нажмите для раскрытия... Why not. If the reason is not that the sound of the exhaust scared all the snow...)
S Safro Лесник 26 Апр 2010 564 40 28 58 Санкт-Петербург 20 Мар 2014 #209 stolis, с Днём рождения!!! :drunk:
S stolis На тропе 23 Сен 2010 83 36 0 Greece 29 Апр 2014 #210 Sorry, today i saw the post. Thank you very much.